Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Boz the baby... again

This is Boz Kaylen DaSilva. I have been shooting Boz since before she was born, we haven't gotten to do it nearly enough, but that's how it goes. She is amazingly cute and is just freakin awesome. Until she gave me a fat lip with her binki- no so good Boz.
Boz'z mama, Britani, and I have been good friends since we were 12. I moved to this new street and didn't have any friends till one day she just showed up at my door after playing soccer in front of my house (just taunting me to come outside). Ever since that day we were inseparable, sleeping in the tree house, gorging on candy and ice cream everyday, beating up neighbor kids with rolls of half eaten cookie dough... the usual. I've been shooting Britani since I've owned a camera, I think we were 14. She was used in all of my high school photo projects, my muse of sorts. I've shot pretty much all of her phases of life... ahh the good times.
Then one day she met Joe, got married, had a little baby and the rest is history.
Jagger Photography,Heather Jagger,Grayson Glasby
the whole fam
After an attempt gone wrong to reenact a photo we took of her when she was just a wee one where Joey [dad] held her upside down by her feet... didn't go well
I love this photo
Her face in this one cracks me up
bath time with Boz and Spartucus.. the best
convincing them to have family bath time, even better :]
Jagger Photography,JaggerPhotography.com,Heather Jagger,Grayson Glasby

Now for a trip down memory lane...
Britani, loonngg before she was pregnant living in Long Beach
Birtani pregnant with little Boz
Jagger Photography,JaggerPhotography.com,Heather Jagger
Spartacus when he was just a little back drop eating, sweater wearing pup. how could you resist that face?
Jagger Photography,JaggerPhotography.com,Heather Jagger,Britani DaSilva,Britani Clutter
Boz at a few months old... matching overalls, still makes me laugh :]

1 comment:

Kelley at My Island Wedding said...

Heavenly baby!!! Yum!!! So sad to see one cry though, isn't it?

Thanks for stopping by My Island Wedding..., just curious, did you "cast" your vote by clicking on it from the list?

Just wanna make sure your No. 9 gets her due!!!

Love your blog!