So a little background so this post makes sense. Grayson and I went to the movies one night and before we went in we searched at 4 different places to find me a Sugar Daddy to eat, I love them. Apparently no one appreciates the Sugar Daddy anymore because no one had them. So a few days ago Gray came home with a surprise, a bad of mini Sugar Daddy's he found. Needless to say I was overly excited, it doesn't take much! So he decided he's going to give them to me one day at a time, haha He'd hide one everyday and text me a clue to find it! Yesterday I found it, no problem. So he said he was going to make it harder...It's the 2nd day and he hid it in the most ridiculous place ever....
Here is how it started...

So I am thinking and thinking and think.. a light? What light? I look up and it's there!

Only WHERE is that you ask?

That's right...... in the freakin chandelier, 20 feet above me. Don't even ask how he got it up there... he's just taunting me.
How did you get it down???
haha i put together one of those really long dusting things, the one to dust really high.. and I poked. it fell on my face- worth it.
That has got to be the most ridiculously cute thing ever! Freaking hiding sugar daddys and leaving you clues everyday. That Grayson... I'm telling you... CLONE him!
HAHAHAH ah man, seriously so funny! he's a crafty one! so cute.
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